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So, I am a big fan of the new series of Lego Games. This one just seems to fall a little bit short of its brethren in terms of fun. The game has solid mechanics. Instead of rolling a numbered dice, you roll a blank dice. When a blank side comes up, you insert a tile of your color on that face (each face can hold 4 tiles) and move a space. When a side that isn't blank comes up, every player that has a tile on that face moves one. If there is still a spot left, you can add a tile of your color.
There are some interesting mechanics. On two of the faces, a lava tile in in place which lets you move a piece to block another player's ascent. First player to the top of the mountain and that rolls a lava tile wins via flying away on the dragon. Another cool mechanic of this game is there is a stick that you can stick through the mountain and knock another player off the mountain... literally.
It is fun, but I think that compared to games like Minotarus and Creationary, The game has been missing something. In addition, my personal favorite, guys just have a very good laugh.
LEGO Lava Dragon Game (3838) Features
- 1 buildable LEGO Dice & 4 LEGO microfigures
- 1 rule booklet
- Building instructions
- 2 to 4 players
- 136 pieces