Ringtone 2004 @ PunkinHouse doggy

Monday, 3 May 2010 § 0

Dalmatians Pop/Rock Ruff-Drafts Album (Imputor?) The Dalmatians are "Balsa" on "rap, electronics," "Chicken" on "rap, rad," and "Pongo" on drums and "spelling." On Pop/Rock Ruff-Drafts Album, the Seattle trio cranks out seven ditties of restless abandon for dance parties of the electro-punk variety. Their guy/girl, back-and-forth banter falls somewhere between party rap and your little brother and sister arguing over a Fisher-Price mike in the rec room. Melodies sound like a reprogrammed Atari 2600, and the whole thing is augmented by chipper hand claps and dog barks, and Pongo's infectious, danceable drumbeats keep everything moving. Then there are the lyrics: "This is what it looks like when you're positive/So we'll roll into your town and play a 20-minute set/This what it looks like when you play a fucking show/This is what it looks like when you're happy so you know." Got that? You will.Ruff-Drafts manages to summarily disarm you, then demand a shaking ass and a smile before you Know what happened. Life is very similar to the doggy is a live CD section of the sample has been enhanced. Little more than 20 minutes, to set the above, there are at Punkin bonus video. All songs, the audience spans two minutes, and confusion in reason.


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