Fun and Educational Beach Activities

Thursday, 10 June 2010 § 0

Learning doesn't have to be put on hold just because school's out! Your beach family vacation can be full of fun and exciting learning experiences for your children. When the kids get tired of building sand castles and playing with sand molds, try a few of these popular ideas for a fun and memorable summer vacation that educates!

Fun Beach Games

Besides the traditional beach toys and games your children already love, try a few of these new twists on old summer favorites.

Beach Geology

Use a magnifying glass to investigate the sand and shells you find at the beach. Compare dry sand grains with wet and explore the various lines and small creatures that may be on your shells. Collect a variety of shells and have fun sorting, matching, and comparing the shells.

Beach Darts

Draw a large dart board in the sand, assigning points to each section of the board. Use the seashells you have gathered to play darts on the beach. Keep track of everyone's points and set a certain number of points that must be reached to win the game.


Divide your family into two equal teams and give everyone a big water gun completely filled. Draw goal lines in the sand behind each team and place the beach ball in the center of the lines. Each team should try to squirt the beach ball across the other team's goal line, keeping the ball away from their own goal line and without using any hands or feet.

Making Fresh Water at Sea

Collect a small amount of water from the ocean in a large bowl. Place a small, plastic cup in the center of the bowl. Make sure the cup is not taller than the bowl, but is taller than the water line. Cover the bowl and cup tightly with plastic wrap and place a heavy rock or shell on top of the glass. After a few hours in the sun, the water will begin to evaporate, creating condensation on the plastic wrap and then filling the cup with fresh water while the salt is left behind.

Creative Beach Crafts

Footprints in the Sand

This is a simple and fun way to capture a lasting memory of your summer vacation and all you need is a beach and plaster of Paris. Make a deep set of footprints in the soft sand near the edge of the water, at least an inch deep. This works well just after the tide. Fill the footprint with the mixed plaster and wait about half an hour. Gently dig out the cast and lay it upside down in the sun until completely dry.

Beach Treasure Display

Another fun plaster of Paris craft that is a wonderful way to save all those shells and beach treasures in a decorative, long-lasting display. Pour a small amount of beach sand into the bottom of a pie tin and arrange your favorite beach treasures into the sand. Fill the container with plaster of Paris and let it dry at least 24 hours before removing your seaside showcase.

Shell Paintings

This is a fun activity to do on your vacation or is a great way to remember your trip when you return. Collect a variety of seashells that have room for a picture inside. Light colored, clamshell types work best. Clean the shells and let them dry. Paint your favorite seascapes inside the shell with acrylic paints.

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