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So I tried to jam three or four of the large, flat pieces into the XBOX's DVD tray. I kept getting read errors. Tried the Wii, I couldn't even get the pieces to suck into the media slot. I even pulled a couple of the old cartridge-based gaming systems out of the basement, built the appropriate sized cartridge out of LEGO bricks, and hooked it up to the TV. No luck there, either!
So I finally called support. I was on hold FOR-EVER. Probably like, 30 seconds. That's ridiculous enough, but when the tech finally picks up, I'm connected to some Scandinavian call center out in who-knows-where. First thing's first, I ask the guy about his accent. He says it's *Danish*. Dude can't even put down his breakfast pastry to answer a support call?! Someone's DEFINITELY getting an anonymous flaming blog comment post about *that.* So I tell him about the problems I'm having. He keeps interrupting, clearly trying to follow some canned support script for beginners. DUDE, I'm TECHNICAL, OKAY? Skip your basic troubleshooting and let me tell you what I think the problem is!
Anyway, so he says it won't run on ANY console or computer system. I say EXACTLY, that's why I'm calling. It won't run. He says right. I say so what do I do now? I already spent like, two hours trying to figure out where to install the batteries, so I know it's not THAT kind of game. He says it doesn't take batteries. I say yeah, I just said that, so I must be missing the power adapter, and I ask if he can overnight one to me. He says there's no adapter, I say right, there's no power adapter. Then silence. Hello? I ask...You still there? Yes, he says. I say great, so can you send me a power adapter. He says "sir, there's no power adapter for this game." I say yeah, we've established that, you gonna send me a new one? He says there's not one to send. I say okay, how long's the backorder for replacement parts? He says no, they'll never get one in stock, because they don't exist.
Don't exist?!? Place sounds more like "SCAMdinavia" if you ask me!
I tell him as much, and ask to speak to his supervisor. After two more escalations and another 137 minutes of this whole "who's on first" routine and the next guy asks if I even read the manual! Again...I'm TECHNICAL. We don't NEED manuals!
So anyway, I guess I'll keep an eye on their support site, see if they release new firmware or something. Meantime, we're playing with all the pieces. It's actually kind of fun...They've got these little picture cards in there (probably for some sort of TCG promotional tie-in) and my kid got the idea of trying to use the pieces to make little abstract versions of the pictures on the cards, while others try to guess at what the builder is making. Sometimes it's pretty easy, like a little house or a sailboat. Other times, it's a bit tricky, like a Taj Mahal. (Here's a little recommendation if you try that one: don't build to full scale. Five or six hours in, and you'll be out of space in your living room.)
But either way, it's quite a bit of fun for the whole family...
...Unless one of your family members would choke on small parts. Or if Uncle Carl doesn't have enough manual dexterity to manipulate LEGO blocks. I mean, he'd probably still have a *little* fun, but only the guessing part, not the building part. Unless he's also recently lost his vision because he was looking at the sun during that eclipse even though the TV news guy said not to look directly at the sun or you could permanently damage your vision...then I suppose the guessing part would be pretty difficult for him, and since he also can't build, then the whole game would probably suck from his perspective. Why did you invite Uncle Carl to play, anyway? Didn't you realize how uncomfortable it'd be for the rest of us??
So in summary: Doesn't plug in. Doesn't take batteries. Not a computer or console game. Fun for everyone who won't Good Uncle swords.
LEGO Creationary Game (3844) Features
- Includes 1 buildable LEGO Dice, 1 LEGO minifigure and 1 LEGO microfigure
- Also includes 1 rule booklet
- Contains 96 cards
- For 3 to 8 players
- Contains 341 pieces
LEGO Creationary Game (3844) Overview
Introducing LEGO Games, the world's first collection of games that you build, play and change. With the unique buildable LEGO Dice and changeable rules, LEGO Games is a great way of having fun together with family and friends. Roll the LEGO Dice to select one of four exciting building categories: vehicles, buildings, nature or things. With three levels of difficulty you can show off your building skills, while the others guess what you are creating. A great game for family and friends to test your imagination, creativity, building and guessing skills to the max. An interactive game for 3 - 8 players. Game play approximately 30-60 minutes.
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