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LEGO Pirate Cove Game (3840) Features
- 1 buildable LEGO® Dice & 1 LEGO minifigure
- 1 rule booklet
- Building instructions
- 2 to 4 players
- 270 pieces
LEGO Pirate Cove Game (3840) Overview
Pieces: 270
Pirate Code from LEGO Games: A new way to play!
Introducing LEGO Games, the world?s first collection of games that you build, play and change. With the unique buildable LEGO Dice and changeable rules, LEGO Games is a great way of having fun together with family and friends.
Who can be the most cunning pirate of them all? Guess the other players? secret codes before they discover yours and become the pirate captain. A game of logic and luck, secrets and treasures for 2 to 4 players. Game play approximately 15-25 minutes.
- 1 buildable LEGO Dice
- 1 rule booklet
- 1 building instruction booklet
- 4 LEGO microfigures
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