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LEGO Creationary Game (3844) Features
- Includes 1 buildable LEGO Dice, 1 LEGO minifigure and 1 LEGO microfigure
- Also includes 1 rule booklet
- Contains 96 cards
- For 3 to 8 players
- Contains 341 pieces
LEGO Creationary Game (3844) Overview
Introducing LEGO Games, the world's first collection of games that you build, play and change. With the unique buildable LEGO Dice and changeable rules, LEGO Games is a great way of having fun together with family and friends. Roll the LEGO Dice to select one of four exciting building categories: vehicles, buildings, nature or things. With three levels of difficulty you can show off your building skills, while the others guess what you are creating. A great game for family and friends to test your imagination, creativity, building and guessing skills to the max. An interactive game for 3 - 8 players. Game play approximately 30-60 minutes.
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